Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Official Prima Strategy Guide

This isn’t an entirely “original” post. However, it was brought to my attention that the official strategy guide for “Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness” is not available digitally.

This was a 1999 Prima strategy guide for the game of the same name on the Nintendo 64. As of writing this in 2022, it is not available digitally, even on the original publisher’s website. Purchasing a used option is going to run one $100 and up, which is absolutely ridiculous for a printed guide of this kind.

With that, I present to you a manually scanned version of the guide. In my mind, if something can’t be pushed forward and be made available digitally, then it’s free-game. Enjoy!

*edit - I have compiled it and dumped it on as well. I had noticed the images can’t be zoomed in on with certain devices, so this should fix that. Grab them here.


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